What is QrCodect.tech

QrCodect.tech is Software as a Service(SaaS) tool that allows brands and companies to create QR codes and hence track the rate at which their QR codes are scanned. The most important feature of a qr-code is not only ease of scanning but it the tracking and the monitoring aspect of it that makes it to be a valuable technology. Is a way of providing the best marketing intelligence and insight in regard to how customers interact with your brand as they continue to scan your QR codes.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs about QR Codes

What do the letters QR stand for?

The letters Q and R stand for quick response. This code was so named because the main purpose of the code development was to create a code that could be read quickly.

This is the origin of its name. However the official name of the code is QR Code, and this should never be interpreted as an acronym for "Quick Response" Code.

Are QR Codes still relevant in 2024?

Yes, QR Code trends are increasing, and they are still highly relevant in 2023, with a growth rate of 43.20% from 2022. They are becoming even more popular, with their applications expanding across various industries.

What are some QR Code alternatives?

While there are alternatives such as NFC and barcodes, QR Codes continue to lead the way due to their ease of use and diverse applications, making them the preferred choice for many businesses.

What percentage of people scan QR Codes?

In 2021, QR Code scans reached an impressive global scale, with a whopping 30 million scans recorded across 50 countries. The year-on-year growth of QR Code scans stands at an impressive 57%, reflecting the increasing trend of people engaging with QR Codes for various purposes.

What percentage of Americans use QR Codes?

In 2021, the US led global QR Code scans with 25 million scans. By 2022, this number surged to 38 million, representing a massive 74.78% share of total scans among the top 50 countries. This indicates a significant percentage of Americans are actively using QR Codes, and the trend continues to rise.

How about using a mobile phone for reading QR Codes?

How well QR Code can be read with a mobile phone depends, in many cases, on the capability of its camera feature. Therefore, it often is the case that we at DENSO WAVE cannot give you an answer to your inquiry as to reading of the code with your phone.

As for the capability of the camera feature of your phone, please check it with the carrier of your phone or the phone manufacturer.

How small can a QR Code be printed?

This depends on the capability of the printer used for printing the QR Code and the QR Code reader used to read a printed QR Code.

The size of a QR Code is determined from the module size and its version (see 'Symbol Version Information capacity and versions of the QR Code').

Therefore, if you make the module size smaller, your can reduce the QR Code to whatever size you require.

To achieve this, however, you need an ultra high precision printer and a laser marker. Even if this is achieved, the resolution of your code reader has to match this ultra high resolution of the printed QR Code. If the resolution is insufficient to read the code, there is no sense printing the QR Code to such a high precision. Considering the present capability of printers and QR Code readers, the smallest printed QR Code would be made up of 0.03 mm modules.

Is it possible to print out a QR Code using gravure printing or a inkjet printer?

There is no restriction on the printing method as far as printing the QR Code is concerned. You can use whatever printing method you want, including gravure printing and offset printing.

Is it problematic to use colors (red, blue, etc.) other than black and white when printing a QR Code?

It sometimes is possible to read QR Code printed with a particular combination of colors. QR Code scanners use red light to capture the image of a QR Code. Therefore, if a color combination is such that both background color and QR Code color reflect (or absorb) red color, the QR Code cannot be detected, making it impossible to read the code.

This also means that, if the color combination is such that the background color reflects red and the QR Code color absorbs it, it is possible to read the code.

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How it Works



Create your QR code by choosing the type and purpose of QR code that you want to use.



Share or download your QR code and start allowing your customers to scan it.



Once your QR code is distributed, then tracking, analytics and reporting is activated.

Only BWP0.00 for 30 days, you can test drive QR Codect.

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